Tyson Frederick

Android/iOS, Unity3D, Ruby or Rails, Adobe Master Suite

I am a software engineer and digital creative artist. I program mobile applications for iOS and Android, web applications with Ruby on Rails, and games with Unity3D, Source SDK, and XCode. I'm eager to start my career in the Greater Bay Area alongside a company that is interested in mobile, gaming, social media or education that uses creative ways to connect experiences and people through personal computing. I received my Masters of Fine Arts in Digital Media/Art in Technology & Media at San Jose State University, May 24, 2014.

Developer Experience

Ruby on Rails Sample Application:

A twitter-like, social media, post-production, Ruby on Rails, web application that was developed front-to-backend. It is directed through Michael Hartl's book and tutorial, railstutorial.org (rails v 3.2 - ruby 1.9.3). The application includes an MVC framework, OOP, REST, SCSS, LESS, SQLite3, postgreSQL, and an HTML 5 layout that uses Bootstrap as a layout. The app has microposts, embedded ruby, friend (un)following, instantiations of users, routing, factoryGirl's mock-data population, error flashing and validations, pagination and partials. The application implements bCrypt authentication and security with signup, user-information updating, and admin privileges. It supposedly handles up to 50,000 users with a proper remote host. The application supports Test-Driven-Development (TDD) with RSpec, and AJAX allows updating without reloading the page. It was made in Linux and OSX (sublime text 2, Xcode 4, and terminal). It is deployed to a test server on Heroku, which takes a moment to initialize, as the web service is free and for testing. The HTML 5 has a fixed navbar, which hides the dropdown on certain mobile devices in landscape mode (have researched but yet to implement the solution). http://lit-oasis-3495.herokuapp.com and http://github.com/tkinetik1/sample_app/

Stanford CS193p's Native iOS Applications in Objective C:

Two and three "card matching" games using MVC w/ pointers, getters and setters, object-oriented programming and storyboards. The other application is an "attribute" program, which allows the input of a paragraph, where a user can select a different string and apply visible font attributes. I was self-taught in Objective-C by the open online Stanford course, cs193p: iOS 5 (spring 2012) through iTunesU. I am currently working on the newest Stanford cs193p class, extending past my previous experience in iOS 5. Objective-C was the first programming language I looked at extensively through docs and online resources, making the second experience much easier. After learning more programming principles and fundamentals, I am excited to start programming in Objective-C again. http://github.com/tkinetik1/

Mobile App Lab / Hack-a-thon Lead Intern for ZERO1 Biennial 2012:

Lead project manager as graduate intern for ZERO1's mobile app lab and hack-a-thon. ZERO1js a nonprofit Silicon Valley based digital media/art biennial. ZERO1's branding and mission statement is to be the hub where art and technology meet. I managed our core intern team of five in collaboration with one UI/UX designer, one iOS/android developer, and one back-end software engineer/principal as well as an oversight committee of mentors. Technically, I organized and made development/design choices and management on the first application models, provided data-entry through the project, and helped deploy relational database implementation through JSON and comma separated valuing. The application used a variety of native technologies that included social media, interactive drawing, text, the networking and displaying of attendees. It also consisted of digital visualization, geo-location, Google API mapping, storytelling, and community curating. The application is for both iPhone and Android. http://2012.zero1biennial.org/app

Stanford CS193p's Native iOS Applications in Objective C:

Two and three "card matching" games using MVC w/ pointers, getters and setters, object-oriented programming and storyboards. The other application is an "attribute" program, which allows the input of a paragraph, where a user can select a different string and apply visible font attributes. I was self-taught in Objective-C by the open online Stanford course, cs193p: iOS 5 (spring 2012) through iTunesU. I am currently working on the newest Stanford cs193p class, extending past my previous experience in iOS 5. Objective-C was the first programming language I looked at extensively through docs and online resources, making the second experience much easier. After learning more programming principles and fundamentals, I am excited to start programming in Objective-C again. http://github.com/tkinetik1/

Harvard's online cs50x: Intro to Computer Science (with C):

Solved problem set 0, 1, 2, and 4 (8 problems solved) and through Week 7 (Spring 2014) using their custom VM'ed, CS50x/Linux OS. Consists of teaching complete stack and principles. I am currently implementing and developing the game, breakout, in C. C problems posted to http://www.github.com/tkinetik1/

Unity3D/Source SDK/Second Life:

I've developed three tutorial projects, one game, and three collaborative projects in Unity3D. My skills include mapping, tweening, GUI, colliders, lighting, sprites, rays, rigidbodies, and GameObject scripting for both 2D and 3D. Scripts available at http://www.github.com/tkinetik1/Unity-Scripts/. I've created multiple art projects and simulated environments with Unity3D, Source / Halflife-2 SDK, Second Life, and Gamemaker for 10+ years. Enrolled in Art104: Game design (Spring 2012), at SJSU and CS491: Colloquium in Serious Games at UNR, which was sponsored by NASA and the US Military among others. Two official Unity3D.com projects/tutorials developed with C# scripting: http://tkinetik.net/unity/Roll-a-Ball_v01.html and http://tkinetik.net/unity/AngryMeteor_part01.html. Game recordings available at http://youtube.com/tkinetik1

Processing 2.0(Java)/Flash 6.0(ActionScript 3.0):

A Java-based language that the majority of my digital media art practice is algorithmically created with. I have developed over 50 or more executable Java "sketches". Work includes static and looping algorithms, data visualization, and interactive Microsoft Kinect visualizations. http://tkinetik.net http://dma.sjsu.edu/art101b/t_frederick/ and http://www.github.com/tkinetk1/

Android Studio/Eclipse(Android ADT):

Current Project: Udacity's "Developing Android Apps"'s weather application, "Project Sunshine". This application uses openweathermap.org's API, which displays under a text and listview that stream's a week's worth of weather information, input-able through a settings zip code. It will include a custom layout, notifications, and others. This class is taught by three highly experienced Google design and developerment of android employees. i have fineshed a "Hello World" and an application prompting users for text in one view to display the text in another view. Both used official Android documentation. Investigation and research of multiple native camera app's source code via Github. The application allows the camera to take pictures with a different gestural procedure and order of operations. "Project Sunshine" currently lives at http://github.com/tkinetik1/sunshine/

Adobe Creative Suite:

I have 12+ years academic experience with the Adobe Creative Suite (currently 5.5 & 6). Created buttons, layouts, and color schemes with Photoshop in both design and fine art. Teaching of Art 74 in HTML, web development, and web layout. Vector images with Illustrator. Fireworks application-icon knowledge including PNG, JPEG, GIF, and TIFF files. Integration between Photoshop, Illustrator, and Bridge and Adobe Premier Pro and After Effects use, over 20 videos and 150 images published/completed during MFA. Use for all aspects of UI/UX integrating into HTML5, Ruby web application, Unity3d, Source SDK, GameMaker, and WordPress, etc. http://tkinetik.net.

Work Experience

ZERO1: Art and Technology Biennial

Lead on Internship Team of The ZERO1 Biennial: Mobile App Project 04/2012 - 08/2012

An application which provided viewers with a seamless visitor experience of a festival. ZERO1 is a c3 non-profit organization in the Silicon Valley. The goals were to create an open API and collaborative mobile application for the ZERO1 Biennial, which included all aspects of the iOS and Android application lifecycle and development structure. We hosted a two night hack-a-thon where artists and engineers collaborated. The App Lab consisted of three groups to mentor, lead, and learn. The hack-a-thon winners worked with the core intern team and development mentors for the next three months. The overall goal of the application was to create a volunteer based development team with focus on the non-profits mission statement while learning the mobile application process.

San Jose State University

Teaching Associate: University Level - Art 74: Intro to Digital Media 06/2012 - 02/2013

Teaching Associate of Art 74: Introduction to Digital Media at San Jose State University, Fall 2012, with 14 enrolled students in a primarily online class via webcam and the SJSU learning management system. Art 74's principles are Adobe CS6 Photoshop, basic HTML(hand-coding), CS6 Dreamweaver, and Second Life/Gamemaker. Each student generated a web portfolio and documentary, which included their work throughout the class. WordPress and Gamemaker were also introduced.

Academic Technology Success Center Assistant 8/2011 - 6/2013

Technical support to faculty and students of SJSU with new academic technologies including smart boards, projectors, a computer console/panel, maintenance of 25 PCs and 20 MACs with DeepFreeze and the Adobe Master Suite. I tested and implemented new academic software before deploying to classrooms.

Lead Web Migration as Graduate Student: Academic Technologies 05/2012-5/2013

Graduate Lead on team that migrated the Academic Technologies website from old CMS to new CMS, OUCampus. Performance testing, custom HTML and CSS, format layout, implementation of new features, and research & development were some of my roles. I instructed and assisted faculty at SJSU in Desire2Learn and Instructure LMS (Learning Management System) as well as instructional development software. We finished a Python script that took a directory and a html file, found the file's name, created a folder in the parent directory with the related name, moved the file to the new directory, renamed the file, and deleted the existing folder for a 1000+ html files on a web-development server at SJSU. We were directed by the Lead IT of Academic Technologies and constructed Google Groups, Google Forms, and integrated Google elements into SJSU's official website and CMS. Team developed in its entirety. http://www.sjsu.edu/at/

SWITCH: Online Publication in New Media

Managerial Editor, Assistant Editor, Department Head, Web Developer 08/2011 - 10/2013

My tasks include management and oversight, generating content, text, personal text and images, as well as the collaboration of other professional artists, students, and faculty in digital media/new media and technologies. I managed our department heads and their respective departments (6 in total), which included content about new media, digital media, gaming, and interactive experiences in technology and art. CADRE Laboratories of San Jose State, 25 years ago, originally developed SWITCH. As well as managing, I developed http://switch.sjsu.edu with WordPress 3.9.1, custom CSS, HTML, and PHP.


San Jose State University 2011 - 2014

Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Digital Media: Art and Technology, SWITCH Online Journal in New Media, Phi Kappa Phi (academic honor society). Art 105 (2x): Game development and game design.

University of Nevada-Reno 2006 - 2009

Bachelor of Arts (BA), Fine/Studio Arts in Digital Media, CS 491a: advanced topic in game development/studies, CS 491b: NASA funded colloquium on serious games and simulations.

Diablo Valley Community College / Yuba Community College of California 2003 - 2005

Art/Art Studies, General Studies, collegiate athlete in baseball.


Entrepreneurship, outdoor/alternative sports, Tahoe, fine arts, game development, mobile development, gaming, social media, Adobe Master Suite, UI/UX, computer-vision, new technology, digital/new media, research, socializing, spirituality, Buddhism, yoga, philosophy, critical theory, and culture and community.
